Sonochromatic [sound+light] Innovations

Advancing Neurorehabilitation,

Personal Cognitive Incline,

and Self-Actualization

                                  Our Services:

Pattern Recognition-based, Brain Building Meditation Modules

Rebound! Cover

Rebound! Basic v.8

(Opens in new tab)
(Dream Actualization

  • Cogntive Incline
  • Cognitive    
  •     Resilience

  • Neurorehabilitation
  • Cognitive Incline
  • Consciousness
  • Self-Actualization/

Rebound!SM (Basic) v.8.1

Synchronized, Sonochromatic Brain Stimulation
Engendering Stress Resilience and Cognitive Incline


Modern life.

Acute stress impairs decision making, and self-control. (Maier, S.U., Makwana,... ; 2015).

Chronic stress actually kills neurons, shrinks the brain; frequently, and, too frequently, engenders addiction (Ansell, et al, 2012; Hathaway, 2012; Sinha, 2008).
Traumatic stress goes beyond what acute, and chronic stress do, exacting permanent brain injury (Nutt, & Malizia, 2004; Bremner, 2006; Kroes et al, 2011).


A Window Into The Traumatized Brain

Living a "normal" modern life makes it impossible to avoid toxic stress levels. Therefore, resilience—the ability to bounce back from stress—is essential. Resilience involves learning, flexibility, adaptability, and daily meditation.

The good news:

Patterns of Pure Logic, Expressed as
Synchronized Light & Sound Prompt
Learning, Flexibility, & Adaptability

That's exactly what Rebound! provides!


Use 100% Discount Code:
to Freely Use Rebound!

“The brain is plastic, and there are ways to bring back and perhaps reverse some of the effects of stress and rescue the brain somewhat,” (Park, 2012).

"Learning new things prompts brain plasticity, (or 'neuroplasicity'), to restructure the brain, even enabling it to restore lost functionality" (Pearce, 2015).

"Synchronized light, and sound stimulation offers the possibility of recovered motor function (in persons impaired by stroke, and other forms of motion-impairing traumatic brain injury)" (Thaut..., 2010; Trafton, 2014; da Silva et al, 2015; Reybrouk et al, 2018).

Extended dynamic learning stimulation (4 months) can remarkably reverse brain harm from traumatic experiences, fostering resilience and enabling individuals to rebound from adversity.



Dr. Tracey Shors (2009) found that new neurons are generated daily in the adult brain, particularly in the hippocampus. Learning, especially challenging mental tasks, can help these new neurons survive, increasing resilience (Annacker et al., 2016). Rebound! dynamically engages these neurons.


As Basic as 1-2-3

1) Traumatized and chronically stressed brains have fewer functional connections/synapses.    
2) Robust, pattern recognition-based learning stimulation is needed to restore those lost to stress.                   
3) Rebound!'s dynamic, synchronized Patterned Synchronization Sequence prompts your brain to generate new synapses, restoring cognitive, psychological, and physical capacities—while you relax and chill!

That's why Rebound! is here for you!

What Rebound! Does

Rebound!  is an "Ultra-High Learning" (UHL), pattern recognition-based, neurorehabilitation solution. UHL systems holistically engender whole brain synchronicity, and brain self-restructuring by feeding the brain densely intricate Patterns of synchronized, sonochromatic Logic. Rebound! dynamically stimulates brain fog-busting, neuroplasticity-prompting synaptogenesis in your brain whilst you kick back, relax, and mindfully meditate. Using UHL systems leads to substantial positive changes in cognitive functionality, self-management, mindfulness, and mental health; raising resilience and improving quality of life.

How Rebound! Works

As you focus on watching and breathing,  (i.e. as you meditate), your brain learns those Patterns by itself, with robust neurological effort, and consequent growth. (Please review our UHL presentation to gain the best understanding about how Rebound!, and other UHL technology works.)

More Sync Than All Other "'Sync" Products

Relative to whole brain synchronization, Rebound! and our other UHL products greatly exceed the efficacy of other "Sync" products, (e.g. Brain Sync, HoloSync, NeuroSync, EquiSync, etc.), which primarily focus on using binaural beat-driven brain entrainment to engender brain change. We also use a binaural beat, entraining the user's brain to a specific theta brain state to best enable sustained, open-eyed, superlearning-facilitating, deep meditation during usage; however, rather than the beat, it's the UHL Logic, and intentional user engagement that prompts deep and enduring nervous system recovery. Proper use of Rebound! gradually establishes a meditation practice that shifts your entire lifestyle from stress to relaxation, leading to improved overall heath, and well-being.

"So, if it's all that, why are you giving it away?"

Unlike making binaural beat, brain entrainment media, developing UHL solutions was a very difficult, and very expensive, novel undertaking; hence, they're high ticket items.b After COVID, most people in the world need the benefits of UHL technology, and most of those people are unable to afford it. A jitney will take you from one place to another just like a Rolls Royce, Ferrari, or Maserati; it's just a more rudimentary machine. By giving everybody free access to the above rudimentary solution, we enable the most common persons, in the humblest conditions to reclaim their brains; to have better mental health, neurological resilience, and inclined cognitive capacity; hence, we make the world a better place. We like the world being a better place, (that way).

Rebound!  Demo

Brief Instructions

Sit comfortably. During the 8-minute intro, your brain will be entrained toward a 4+ Hertz theta state. Relax and keep your eyes on the Pattern Sequence. Afterward, there is a long outro without entrainment to provide a peaceful transition back to alpha and beta states.

Use headphones/earbuds for maximum benefit.

Close other browser windows to prevent interference from streaming media.

Erratum: Initially, users were advised against using UHL software with mobile devices and Bluetooth headphones. That advice, which had been removed, was mistakenly reintroduced when code editor-damaged portions of this page were restored using a much earlier draft of it. (Oops!) We apologize for any confusion that may error have caused before we discovered it. It's okay to use Bluetooth headphones with all UHL systems. However, several studies suggest potential harm from cell phone use, particularly 5G (Amin et al., 2019; Brice, 2021; Kundi et al., 2024; Magiera et al., 2019; Mandala et al., 2014; Nadimikeri et al., 2023; Rashid, 2017). If you have any concerns about that, we encourage you to review the above-cited data, and decide on the best cell phone use measures for your health.

For more understanding of how to use
this product, see the general instructions.

100% Discount Code: THANKYOU


Manifold Benefits of Using Rebound!

With recommended use, Rebound! may provide:

  •     Dispersion of brain fog
  •     Increased concentration and focus
  •     Improved memory
  •     Heightened perception
  •     Cognitive enhancement and lucid thinking
  •     Increased resilience
  •     Increased stamina and endurance
  •     Mindfulness development
  •     Increased inner peace and calm
  •     Improved stress management
  •     Enhanced immune response
  •     Higher dopamine levels
  •     Lower cortisol levels
  •     Alleviation of depressive symptoms
  •     Restoration of motor capacity post-stroke or concussion
  •     Potential alleviation of motor impairment from chronic conditions


Get Rebound! Basic at no cost for 1 year!

Use 100% Discount Code:
to Freely Use Rebound!

(Annually renewable. Financial information isn't required.)


Important Note: Persons living with major depression, PTSD and TBI manage brain reduction and associated behaviors, often linked to negative subconscious programming. While Rebound! generates new synapses, engaging in new activities is crucial to utilizing them effectively. Consider exploring new hobbies, creative expressions, literature, or even simple changes like new routes or eating habits to connect new synapses to beneficial work.

Heather Hanks
article for Health Prep provides valuable insights on managing life improvements with Rebound! For addressing subconscious programming, investigate modalities like  "Psych-K". Additionally, especially with PTSD, and other traumatic childhood experiences, it's necessary to address your subconscious programming that may have been a significant factor in adverse clinical behaviors relative to such brain wiring. There are many subconscious mind reprogramming modalities that may enable you to quickly accomplish that; to that end, we recommend investigating, and applying "Psych-K".

May Divine Providence bless you with the wellness you seek.



Amin, Md. Nurul & Islam, Md & Haque, Md. (2019). Impact of Cell-phone on Human Health: A Systematic Review of Literatures. Ibrahim Cardiac Medical Journal. 8. 53-65. 10.3329/icmj.v8i1-2.53976.

Ansella, E. B., Randoa, K, Tuita, K., Guarnacciab, J., Sinha, R. (2012). Cumulative Adversity and Smaller Gray Matter Volume in Medial Prefrontal, Anterior Cingulate, and Insula Regions. Biological Psychiatry, Volume 72, Issue 1, 57 - 64

Bremner, J. D. (2006). Traumatic stress: effects on the brain. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 8(4), 445–461.

Brice, B. (2021). Moskowitz: Cellphone radiation is harmful, but few want to believe it. Berkeley News.

Chen, Z., Haykin, S., Eggermont, J. J., Becker, S. (2007). Correlative Learning: A Basis for Brain and Adaptive Systems. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Crum, K. I., Flanagan, J. C., Vaughan B, et al. (2021). Oxytocin, PTSD, and sexual abuse are associated with attention network intrinsic functional connectivity. Psychiatry Res. Neuroimaging.  Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging 316(11):111345. (Also available via) doi: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2021.111345

Estrada, B., Molina, N., Navarro, M. (2015). Neuropsychological and Physiological Outcomes Pre- and Post-EMDR Therapy for a Woman With PTSD: A Case Study. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research. 9. 174-187. 10.1891/1933-3196.9.4.174.

Graham, C. (2021). Brain connectivity is lower in adults with PTSD, or a history of sexual abuse.

Hanks, H. (2016). How To Overcome PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

Harvard Health Publishing
(2018). 12 Ways to Keep Your Brain Young. Harvard Medical School.

Hathaway, B. (2012). Even in the healthy, stress causes brain to shrink, Yale study shows. Yale News.

Högberg, Göran. (2019). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Neurobiology and Effects of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing.

Klosowski, T. (2013). Science Behind How We Learn New Skills.

Kroes, M. C., Rugg, M. D., Whalley, M. G., & Brewin, C. R. (2011). Structural brain abnormalities common to posttraumatic stress disorder and depression. Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience : JPN, 36(4), 256–265.

Michael Kundi, Armen Nersesyan, Gernot Schmid, Hans-Peter Hutter, Florian Eibensteiner, Miroslav Mišík, Siegfried Knasmüller.  Mobile phone specific radiation disturbs cytokinesis and causes cell death but not acute chromosomal damage in buccal cells: Results of a controlled human intervention study. Environmental Research, Volume 251, Part 1, 2024, 118634, ISSN 0013-9351,

Magiera, A., & Solecka, J. (2019). Mobile telephony and its effects on human health. Roczniki Panstwowego Zakladu Higieny, 70(3), 225–234.

Maier, S. U., Makwana, A. B., Hare, T. A. (2015). Acute Stress Impairs Self-Control in Goal-Directed Choice by Altering Multiple Functional Connections within the Brain’s Decision Circuits. Neuron 87, 621–631

Mandalà, M., Colletti, V., Sacchetto, L., Manganotti, P., Ramat, S., Marcocci, A., & Colletti, L. (2014). Effect of Bluetooth headset and mobile phone electromagnetic fields on the human auditory nerve. The Laryngoscope, 124(1), 255–259.

Michelon, P. (2008). Brain Plasticity: How learning changes your brain. SharpBrains.

Military with PTSD,Inc. (2014). PTSD and the Brain--Including a (non-clinical) PTSD Self-Check--in case you're questioning whether you're living with it.

Mindworks (2020). How Meditation Changes the Brain.

Nadimikeri Jayaraju, M. Pramod Kumar, G. Sreenivasulu, T. Lakshmi Prasad, B. Lakshmanna, K. Nagalaksmi, M. Madakka. Mobile phone and base stations radiation and its effects on human health and environment: A review.
Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2023, 100031, ISSN 2773-0328,

Nutt, D.J.,&Malizia, A.L. (2004). Structural and functional brain changes in posttraumatic stress disorder. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 65 Suppl 1, 11-7.

Park, A. (2012). Stress Shrinks the Brain and Lowers Our Ability to Cope with Adversity. Time USA LLC.

Pearce, K. (2015). Neuroplasticity: Rewiring Your Brain For Optimal Learning. DIYGenius

Rashid, Tanghid & Song, Heather. (2019). Analysis of biological effects of cell phone radiation on human body using specific absorption rate and thermoregulatory response. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 61. 10.1002/mop.31777.

Sinha R. (2008). Chronic stress, drug use, and vulnerability to addiction. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1141, 105–130.

von der Malsburg, C. (1994). The Correlation Theory of Brain Function. Models Neural Netw.. 2. 10.1007/978-1-4612-4320-5_2.

Weinberger, E. (2016). What is the I Ching. China File.

Wilson, J. (2018). Brain Anti-Aging: 9 Steps to Better Neuroplasticity. RemedyGrove

Wolkin, J. (2015). How the Brain Changes When You Meditate. Foundation for a Mindful Society.

Yan, J.F. (1991). DNA and the I Ching : the Tao of life. North Atlantic Books.


Rebound!SM :  Advanced v.8.1

Click the image to go there.

In the course of upgrading Rebound!SM Advanced, we spun off two more intensive versions, and decided to combine them into a set of 3, called the "Synaptogenesys Suite". It is now called, "Synaptogenesys (Level I)", and is available @



DreAM: Golden Lotus
Advancing Personal Wealth Acquisition

                                  Lotus cover image
Use Discount Code, BLESSME, for ar 50% discount.



Synaptically Infuse and Align Your Brain With Gold Wealth

Most Americans have been conditioned to accept two things as "normal";
(1) war, and
(2) the belief that we are "not enough" and will never have enough money beyond basic subsistence.

This conditioning benefits only corporations that profit from human misery. If “less than enough” has been constant in your life, it's crucial to consciously change your brain to avoid ongoing, endless repetition of lack-affirming experiences (Sheldon, 2012).

The Gist of the Law of Attraction

What you feed your brain, combined with strong emotion, becomes your experience.

Your general life experience arises from how your thought behaviors have wired your brain. Building synapses and investing strong feelings into those thoughts can attract real-life conditions corresponding to your neuro-circuitry.

As you focus on gold bullion,
Golden Lotus encodes gold information
into the synapses it engenders!

Adding strong feelings,
the subconscious mind doesn't know the difference
between imagined and actual ownership.

"When you visualize something really strongly, and you integrate your senses, your brain can hardly tell the difference  between that being true, and that being a created feeling by you."
Dr. Tara Siwat Bieber (Robbins, 2024)

Hear Dr. Tara Siwat Bieber discussing the neuroscience of the Law of Attraction with Mel Robbins.

Golden Lotus' instructions are in perfect alignment with what she's teaching.

How Golden Lotus Works

Golden Lotus (GL) uses an Ultra-High Learning Sync Sequence to generate and strengthen synapses. Gold images placed behind the Sequence imbue those synapses with gold information. Generating gold-laden synapses with positive emotions aligns with the vibrational equivalent of actual gold.

In 120 days of GL use, your brain will be aligned with love and gold, leaving no room for lack. This leads to a radical departure from lack in your thinking, behavior, and experience.


"“You can use many techniques to reprogram your brain for wealth. Golden Lotus builds a new brain resonating with and receiving great wealth.”."
                           -Art of Pop

"Psychological work is physical work going on in the pathways of your brain."
Dr. Tara Siwat Bieber (Robbins)

DreAM: Golden Lotus Synaptically Encodes  Gold Into Your Brain; in 3D!

Your subconscious mind doesn't distinguish between a picture of gold and the real thing. Psychological work is physical work going on in the pathways of your brain. All matter is simply compounded, coherent quantum information. Hence, as you assert the gold is yours, with feelings of love, gratitude, joy, and/or compassion, DreAM writes the quantum information of the vision board-represented gold into tens of billions of synapses Stored in those synapses, the gold literally becomes 3D for you. Compounding it, by repeated DreAMing, you gradually materialize it for your practical use, in various ways and forms.

The only way to get that many gold-infused synapses is by using DreAM.

DreAM is a far-forward thinking app. If it seems facetious, let's go back to the gist of the Law of Attraction: What you feed your brain, combined with strong emotion, becomes your experience. Somewhat like putting rockets on a glider, DreAM simply and dynamically leverages and super amps that process for you, enabling your brain to better serve you in the context of the Law of Attraction.                                   

Here, the DreAM is about your gold.

Golden Lotus Demo

Headphones are required for the optimum experience.

Follow the instructions which are presented during the module's introduction.
If you'd like a more comprehensive quick start, read the Express Instructions.

Your Gold!

If Focusing on Specific Amount Works Best For You

Extrapolating the number of visible gold bars, Golden Lotus' vision board represents 120 kilos of gold, worth $9.1M USD. Use this specific value to visualize your personal gold stash. Use DreAM with feeling, as guided, and your financial worth and well-being will rise; along with brain power for more prosperous, secure, and enduring personal money management. (Financial education not included.)

  Practice Believing, and Enjoy Financial Freedom!

All Big Things Have Small Beginnings  

Golden Lotus accelerates and amplifies the process of wealth meditation; however, for most people, the process of wealth manifestation has an exponential trend line--incremental increase, even accelerated by Golden Lotus, is what's most reasonable to expect. (Even Warren Buffett would tell you that.) Expect your DreAM-driven realignment with wealth to begin appearing in small ways, such as:
  •     Finding a paid dryer in a laundromat;
  •     Discovering a $5, $10, or $20 bill in a vacant parking lot;
  •     Getting the last item of something on sale--seconds before someone else would have
  •         grabbed it;
  •     Avoiding an accident that would have cost you thousands of dollars to resolve;
  •     Having "Aha!" moments for ways to monetizing your existing resources;
        Suddenly finding that $300 you thought you lost 2 years ago;
        Getting a new dream home [apartment], at an incredibly low price for the local market; etc.

Give thanks for these small steps to attract similar experiences. Consistent GL use will lead to more prosperity-attractive outcomes. Follow those "Aha!" moments with action, and, (to reset your abundance awareness), watch prosperity-focused media to further translate your synaptic increase into material wealth.

Only $20/mo.

Billed Quarterly
Use Discount Code
for 50%



DreAM: Self-Actualization as a Service

Fine Print

DreAM is a facilitator; a seriously cool enabler. How well it may work for you, financially, is purely subjective; we're unable to give you any assurance of the degree to which it will work for you, in that regard, only that it will do so. Objectively, it will certainly give you cognitive advantages of Rebound!; however, as with any [Law of Attraction, Assumption, Vibration...] manifestation technique, the more focus and feeling you put into it, (with Love and persistence), the more, and more rapidly it will yield hoped for results for you.



Bremner, J. D. (2006). Traumatic stress: effects on the brain. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 8(4), 445–461.

Harvard Health Publishing  (2018). 12 Ways to Keep Your Brain Young. Harvard Medical School.
Harvard Health Publ ishing.Retrieved from

Klosowski, T. (2013). Science Behind How We Learn New Skills. Retrieved from

Kroes, M. C. W., Rugg, M. D., Whalley, M. G., & Brewin, C. R. (2011). Structural brain abnormalities common to posttraumatic stress disorder and depression. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience?: JPN, 36(4), 256–265.

Lipton, B: Biology of Belief
[Video]. Cre8-Health - Thought Project Earth. YouTube.

Lipton, B: How Physical Thoughts Travel Outside Of Our Bodies &Affect Others [Video].  UI Media Network. YouTube.

Nutt, D.J., & Malizia, A.L. (2004). Structural and functional brain changes in post-traumatic stress disorder. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 65 Suppl 1, 11-7.

Robbins, M. (2024). The #1 Neuroscientist: After Listening to This, Your Brain Will Not Be the Same [Video]. Mel Robbins [Dr. Tara Siwat Beiber interview]. YouTube.

Sheldon, C. M. (2012). How to Change Your Frequency to Change Your Reality [Video]. Mindvalley Talks. YouTube

Wilson, J. (2018). Brain Anti-Aging: 9 Steps to Better Neuroplasticity.



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