(Tzolkin & I Ching)

The Harmonic Union of the
Mayan Sacred Calendar with the I Ching

A Video Art-as-Software NFT, designed and built to:

Restore brain balance after intense stress;
Rapidly engender enduring cognitive incline;
Synaptically align minds with Consciousness.

Express (NFT)


* TzolChing Deluxe, [renamed "
Synaptogenesys (Level III)"], is available only as SaaS. Its above demo is presented simply for you to compare visual differences between child and parent; the source and the derivative.

TzolChing Express is exclusive;
it is the only derivative of Synaptogenesys (Level III) that will ever be created.

Exponentially more than a novelty, only 4200 copies of TzolChing Express exist. Get yours at OpenSea!


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What IS TzolChing?

In sound and light, TzolChing merges the 2 supercodes by which Consciousness (a) creates spacetime [universes], and (b) therein expresses Itself via organic life. The Tzolkin is a supercode, embodying frequency Patterns that are believed (by the holy people of the Maya) to transmit all Aspects of Consciousness/Source throughout universes. DNA is also a supercode, locally embodying and transmitting Consciousness via organic life, throughout galaxies; it's Logic is identical to that of the ancient Chinese I Ching, (and it's programmable using sound and/or light--in fact, when DNA is translated into sound, DNA sounds very much like a very slow, single Sequence of TzolChing).

In TzolChing, (an "UHL technology"), the movement of the three Light Patterns within the Tzolkin's 64-unit core have been translated into sound, (in the musical key of F#), with the sphere colors being the respective primary tone for each sphere, 40ish octaves higher. [Several Mayan clerics who have heard the audio of the "woof and warp" of Tzolkin's weave, (alone and at a small fraction of TzolChing's speed, with sustained tones), have unamimously confirmed the legitimacy of the herein, thereof sonic translations; with one of their elder priests shedding tears upon hearing them because he'd hoped to hear them nearly all of his life.] The I Ching's 64 hexagrams, i.e. the bi-directional encompassing rings, are audibly represented as sound, (in the musical key of C), moving 1-64, and 64-1, with its tone-colors correspondences having been creatively chosen. Both spanning 4 octaves, the I Ching's harmonic layout is borrowed from the Tzolkin's; they flow alike in keys that are equidistant from each other; [mystics, (real) magicians, and sound healers will understand the dynamic significance of] each key being the tritone of the other]. (Lastly, beneath the changing background colors, at nearly zero opacity, there are deep sea waves moving; they are intermittently visible for a second, or two, and  they're there to tweak the brain's tracking of synchronicities--the user's brain, which can see the light variations between foreground and background, is also tracking the movements of the spheres with the movements of the waves, making this NFT exponentially more powerful than it would be without them.)

Why it was developed and how it actually works, (in layman's terms)

[Specifically developed to facilitate radical restoration of brain connections lost due to PTSD], TzolChng enables the brain to maximally communicate and synchronize across the corpus collosum  The user's visual and audio cortices simultaneously learn the coupled relationships and timing synchronicities between the sound and light as her, his, or their cerebral cortex also learns the spatial synchronicities of the spheres--particularly as the latter tracks the spatial relationships between each sphere and all of the others. Technically, it's a super massive amount of highly complex audio and visual information for the brain to process, delivered very simply; so simply a child may safely use it; (with a parent's permission, of course). As it learns, the user's brain logically (and effortlessly, on her, his, or their part) creates billions of fresh, new synapses, which the brain applies as it needs them to repair and upgrade itself; thusly alleviating and helping to permanently resolve neurological symptoms, and neurologically-triggered behaviors generally consequent to traumatic brain injury.

About usage

Instructions on how to use UHL technology are provided at Headphones are not required; however, if you wish to have full, cognitive nourishment of TzolChing's juice, that's how you get it. Technically, TzolChing Express was designed to provide very focused brain stimulation, effecting a proverbial quick picker-upper, e.g. before a business meeting, or an academic test, or after a too intense experience at work, or a drudgingly long commute from work. (Actually, using only the audio, you may use any UHL technology whilst operating machinery of any kind; so, you may use it during that long commute to keep yourself alert, focused, and resilient from the stress of the drive, or you may listen to it during an academic test, thereby enabling you to have sharper memory recall, and more brain capacity to process the test data and information, and to offset the mental stifling that such stress often induces--use it in the same manner to learn anything new, playing the audio low enough to be able to have a conversation at normal volume whilst wearing your headphones.) However, depending on your Self-development intentions, there are many ways to use it, ranging from such simple brain reinvigoration, to deep, personal Transformation. (To use it for the latter, we recommend running the instructions text through a text-to-speech narrator, recording it, and listening to it repeatedly until you're able to anticipate what's coming up, wherever you may be in the page. Then, you'll have enough understanding of the scope of usage to be able to receive intuited guidance about how to specifically apply it to your life; it may seem like a tedious way to know how this art. may be most effective for you, however, it's easier than repeatedly reading it to gain the same advantage.)

The NFT Includes an extended, unmasked, 10-minute FLAC (lossless) audio file of TzolChing's driving Sequence. That inclusion is unique.

Talk about TzolChing, with Enoch, on


Ten percent (10%) of the net proceeds from TzolChing are directed to facilitate charitable acquisition of privately- and governmentally-held traditional Mayan lands, in order to return those lands to the Maya people, to facilitate restoration of those lands (where it's needed), and for the edification of Chinese-Latin Americans living in Latin America.


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Helping people to personally evolve into greater cognitive capabilities, self-awareness, and self-actualization.

This NFT actually makes you a better-functioning person every time you use it. Buying this NFT is more than an art investment;
it's an investment in your ability to live your best life,
and to be your best Self. What other NFT does that?


Contact: NFT Mgr., Enoch Kaz @            

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