Rebound!SM : Basic Version

Neurological  Recovery From Traumatic Stress
Requires Robust Pattern-based Learning Stimulation


1) Traumatized brains have strikingly fewer functional connections/synapses.            

2) Robust, Pattern-based learning stimulation is required to restore them.                   
3) Rebound!'s dynamic, parallel Pattern prompts your brain to generate mega new synapses,

thereafter using them to auto-restore lost cognitive, psychological and physical capacities!

That's why it's here for you!

A Window Into The Traumatized Brain

 This is a normal brain.

This brain has been harmed by traumatic stress.

The inconvenient truth is that, living a "normal" modern life, it's impossible to avoid toxic levels of stress. That being the case, we must develop resilience, i.e. the ability to bounce back from the harm acute, chronic, and/or traumatic stress impose upon our brains, and nervous systems. Although there are many models of the components of resilience, learning, flexibility, and adaptability, (and daily meditation) are fundamental to all of them. The good news:

Patterns of Pure Logic, Expressed as Synchronized Light & Sound Prompt
Learning, Flexibility, & Adaptability!

That's the underlying principle of "Rebound!"


Rebound!SM was created by someone living with chronic PTSD as a means of enabling her to therefrom affect personal, synaptic recovery, (i.e. the brain regenerating the synaptic network required for optimal brain function, and for the resolution of undesirable behaviors affected by the neurological deficit resulting from traumatic brain harm). Here are the some of the facts, and principles that inspired her development of our "Ultra-High Learning" (UHL) technology, and the creation of Rebound!

“The brain is plastic, and there are ways to bring back and perhaps reverse some of the effects of stress and rescue the brain somewhat,”
(Park, 2012).

Learning new things prompts brain plasticity, (or "neuroplasicity"), to restructure the brain, even enabling it to restore lost functionality
; Pearce, 2015).

Synchronized light, and sound stimulation offers the possibility of recovered motor function (in persons impaired by stroke, and other forms of motion-impairing traumatic brain injury) (Thaut..., 2010; Trafton, 2014; da Silva et al, 2015; Reybrouk et al, 2018).

In other words, given dynamic learning stimulation, for an extended amount of time, (4 months), brain harm from traumatic experiences may be reversed; thereby affecting resilience enabling the individual to bounce back, to Rebound! from such adversity into a more consistently enriching life experience.

    Furthermore, according to Dr. Tracey Shors (2009), new neurons are generated in the adult brain every day, particularly in the hippo­campus, a structure involved in learning and memory. Within a couple of weeks, most of those newborn neurons will die, unless the respective brain is challenged to learn something new. Learning—especially that involving a great deal of mental effort—can interconnect, and keep these new neurons alive.

In fact, (since more neurons equates with higher levels of resilience), engaging new neurons through learning increases the brain's ability to rebound from stress (Annacker et al, 2016). This product dynamically prompts such engagement!

Rebound! Basic: Free   

: Basic v.7 (Free)
Note: The inner circles reverse direction halfway through the entire "inhale/exhale" sync process. At the turning point, a golden Om symbol is flashed for 4 frames. FYI.

Recommended Frequency of Use

Twice daily, (two "rounds"), for a minimum of one hundred twenty (120)consecutive days. Ideally, if you get to any given day, and you only do one round, you'll start from Day One again. If you don't feel like being so Spartan, it's okay;
just try not to miss any day of the minimum recommended initial duration of use.

How Rebound! Works

Rebound! robustly and dynamically stimulates your brain whilst you simply relax, and chill--with focus on watching and breathing. As the user watches the highly complex, synchronized sound and light Pattern, her, his, or their brain learns the Pattern on its own; doing so with robust neurological effort whilst the user exerts only the physical effort required to put on headphones, launch the program, and sit down for half an hour. Yogic [deep, rhythmic abdominal] breathing as you watch, you affect a deep meditation that further enables your brain to learn, and recall the Pattern's highly intricate synchronicity.

Using Rebound! leverages your brain's plasticity to engender substantial, and very remarkable positive changes in your daily cognitive functionality, self-management, mindfulness, and quality of mental health; hence, also raising your resilience, thereby improving your quality of life.

Much More Effective Than All Other "Sync" Products!

Rebound! and all of our UHL products do what Brain Sync, HemiSync, Holosync, Omni-Sync, NeuralSync, and similar -Sync products do; relative to brain plasticity, ours do much, much more.  Rebound! and all of our other UHL products puts the sync process literally up front and center; your brain learns the synchronicity and synchronizes as it learns. Mostly, rather than working incrementally, over the span of years, Rebound! provides exponentially more synaptic generation than all of those products--in the span of 120 days.

Proper, and sustained use of Rebound! (and Brainneo's other brain enhancement solutions), affects a meditation practice that literally shifts your body's, and your lifestyle's norm from one of general, run-on stress, to one that represents a general continuum of relaxation/counter-stress--i,e, to a lifestyle that is much more receptive, hence, one that naturally builds a level of well-being that radiates, and attracts a more prosperous, general life experience. The value of the manifold benefits of that life change is incalculable!

Manifold Benefits of Using Rebound!

The below benefits may be experienced with recommended use of all of our Ultra-High Learning solutions; (with efficacy being relative to both severity, and scope of brain impairment, and degree of concentration, dedication, and discipline applied by the respective user):
  • Increased physiological, (and, consequently), psychological resilience;
  • Overall increase in cognitive enhancement, and lucid thinking;
  • Improved short-term, and long-term memory;
  • Heightened general, spatial, and peripheral perception;
  • Increased capacity to concentrate, and to focus;
  • Increased stamina and endurance;
  • Mindfulness development; (and, as a result);
  • Increased vitality, and ability to manage stress in the moment;
  • Increased inner peace and calm;
  • Increased immune response, (favoring brain healing);
  • Increased general dopamine [chill out neurotransmitter] levels;
  • Decreased general cortisol [fight-or-flight hormone] levels;
  • Alleviation of a remarkable amount of the emotional gravity that accompanies Major Depressive Disorder;
  • Advances restoration of lost motor capacity consequent to stroke, and concussion;
  • (May advance) Alleviation of motor impairment from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other autoimmune conditions.

Post-COVID, everyone needs the benefit of this type of [high learning stimulus] remediation;
now, everyone may freely have it.


Important Note: PTSD, and TBI sufferers are trying to manage two different things; (1) radical, life-impairing, structural reduction of the brain, and (2) the array of behaviors that may be associated with that reduction. However, many of those behaviors may also be connected with negative subconscious programming; the brain harm affecting more opportunities for that programming to manifest SNAFUs in the respective person's life experience. While it may also affect remarkable behavioral changes, due to your brain plasticity's rewiring of lost capacities, Rebound!'s UHL technology was particularly designed as a solution to such trauma-induced structural reduction. However, whilst Rebound! will generate googobs [a scientific term] of new synapses, it's wise to employ the synaptic overlay it provides to explore new hobbies, new forms of creative self-expression, to read new types of literature, to spend 90 days exploring drinking only foreign beer, or eating foreign chocolate, or watching foreign movies, to take new routes to, and from work, to write with the hand you don't [normally] right with, to walk backward up hills, eat muffins starting from the bottom... i.e. the new synapses need to be connected to work for you, and any form of conventional learning will enable your brain to draw upon its new synapse supply. Think of it this way: If I connect your home to a high voltage power source, you could do off the charts amazing things with that electrical power; however, if you only continue to do what you normally do, all that power will just sit there waiting for you to use it.

Heather Hanks
wrote a great article for Health Prep that provides insight, and guidelines on how to manage the rest of your life as you improve it by using Rebound!; if you're living with PTSD, read, and apply it also. The references below may also be very helpful to you being able to fully comprehend what this is all about; generally, and for your specific benefit. Additionally, especially with PTSD, and  traumatic childhood experiences, (including neglect), it's necessary to address your subconscious programming that may have been a significant factor in adverse clinical behaviors resulting from the confounded brain wiring directly consequent to those experiences. There are many subconscious mind reprogramming modalities that may enable you to quickly accomplish that; to that end, we recommend investigating, and applying "Psych-K".
Additionally, especially with PTSD, and other traumatic childhood experiences, it's necessary to address your subconscious programming that may have been a significant factor in adverse clinical behaviors relative to such brain wiring. There are many subconscious mind reprogramming modalities that may enable you to quickly accomplish that; to that end, we recommend investigating, and applying "Psych-K".


Whether you're using Rebound! for structural restoration of your brain, or simply to make your healthy brain much, much better, May Divine Providence bless your using of Rebound! with the wellness you thereby seek.


Headphones are optimal; your brain needs to hear the tonal synchronicity, which is set at a quasi-subliminal level--without headphones, it's like hearing someone whispering across a wide street while its heavily raining. Without headphones, e.g. using a laptop, center your head between the stereo speakers, so your brain is able to best isolate the channels. Without headphones, the better you are able to focus the speakers directly toward your ears, the better.


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Bremner, J. D. (2006). Traumatic stress: effects on the brain. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 8(4), 445–461.

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Estrada, Benito & Molina, Natalia & Navarro, María. (2015). Neuropsychological and Physiological Outcomes Pre- and Post-EMDR Therapy for a Woman With PTSD: A Case Study. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research. 9. 174-187. 10.1891/1933-3196.9.4.174.

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Copyright by SonusLumine, and Art of Pop LLC. All rights reserved.