Whole Brain, Synchronized Neuroplasticity--On Demand

As a rehabilitative neurotherapy provider, you know that neuroplasticity (plasticity) drives neurorehabilitation1. The more robust the client's plasticity, (prior to engaging task-specific neurotherapy modalities), the more significant, effective, and enduring the neurorehabilitation outcomes2. Plasticity is synaptogenesis-dependent3. Learning prompts synaptogenesis; particularly pattern recognition-based learning4,5--however, such learning needn't be academic. Structurally, SynaptogenesysSM is a multisensory, intricately synchronized, parallel pattern recognition-based learning system; ergo,

Synaptogenesys robustly induces and drives plasticity!

Meditation greatly promotes, accommodates and supports optimal neuroplasticity6.
(Physiologically and psychologically), meditation is fundamental to optimal health. Effectively, Synaptogenesys is also a suite of therapeutic meditation modules; i.e.

Mindfulness Meditation steers Synaptogenesys.
